Hacking is definitely not as easy as shown in various movies, still there are thousands of newbies who wants to learn hacking for one or another reason but don’t know where to start from. So, below is a list of some website to start your journey.

list of various Ethical hacking Sites
Backtrack: Rating (5/5)

No need to introduce this software. If you have a little bit of experience in hacking then you must have heard about Backtrack. This website provide many hacking tutorials using Backtrack. Have there own Training programs, blog and large community. Backtrack is highly popular among Security Professional and many top certifications like CEH use backtrack for teaching penetration testing.
Backtrack- most popular penetration testing distribution
 If you are a Backtrack beginner then you must bookmark this website.

Hell bound hackers: Rating (4.5/5)

Hellbound Hackers is a security training website which covers large number of security topics like programming, Encryption, Cracking etc. HellBound is one of largest hacking teaching sites out there. No matter, beginner or expert HellBound hackers is a great learning ground for everyone.
Hellbound Hackers - A security training website

The HITB Network: Rating (4/5)

HITB Network provide you latest security news and happenings from the hacker underground.They have dedicated forums which are really helpful for asking security questions and discussions.

HITB Network provide you latest security news

Hack This Site: Rating (3/5)

Hack This SIte is one of the best to learn ethical hacking. Hack This Site offers you various challenges to test and sharpen your skills. They have a vast selection Of ethical hacking articles,list of various useful tools and one of the best forums for your any hacking related query.
Hack This Site is one the best for learning ethical hacking

Hackaday: Rating (3/5)
Hackaday provides you vast numer of tutorials to learn like android hacks, cellphone hacks etc and also serves you hacking related news. A really good website to learn ethical hacking.
learn hacking using various tutorials like cellphone hacks, android hacks

EvilZone: Rating (3/5)

Evilzone is another great forum, where you can learn everything related to hacking. You can find many hacking experts in this forum. EvilZone is one of the biggest security related forum, having 6898 Members and 21538 Posts in 3197 Topics.
Evilzone one of the most popular website to learn hacking

Go4expert: Rating (3/5)

Go4expert is a programming and seo Forum and as the name suggest it covers many tutorials based on programming and web development tips. Go4excepert is best for newbies who is looking for great way to start learning ethical hacking.
Learn hacking and web development from Go4expert

Ethical Hacking Network: Rating (3/5)
In this website you can find articles and interviews of various cyber security gurus. Giveaway, Books related to hacking, Information about surveys, Certification and much more.

How to Hack a Website in Four Easy Steps

Every wondered how Anonymous and other hacktivists manage to steal the data or crash the servers of websites belonging to some of the world biggest organisations? Thanks to freely available online tools, hacking is no long the preserve of geeks, so we've decided to show you how easy it is to do, in just four easy steps.

Step 1: Identify your target

While Anonymous and other online hacktivists may choose their targets in order to protest against perceived wrong-doing, for a beginner wanting to get the taste of success with their first hack, the best thing to do is to identify a any website which has a vulnerability.

Recently a hacker posted a list of 5,000 websites online which were vulnerable to attack. How did he/she identify these websites? Well, the key to creating a list of websites which are likely to be more open to attack, is to carry out a search for what is called a Google Dork.

Google Dorking, also known as Google Hacking, enables you find sensitive data or evidence of vulnerabilities by querying a search engine like Google or Bing. It basically allows you to enter a search term into Google and find websites which may have these vulnerabilities somewhere on the site.

Don't worry about needing technical expertise to know what to look for. Kind-hearted hackers have produced lists of these Google Dorks, neatly categorised into the type of vulnerability you are looking for. Looking for files containing passwords? There's got a Dork for that. Login credentials? There's a Dork for that.

For example, if you are looking for files stored on websites containing passwords, then a sample search query we found openly listed on one indexing site was: intitle:"Index of" master.passwd. This returns the results shown in the screengrab above.

So now you have a list of potential victims. Next you need to narrow this down even further.

Step 2: Check for vulnerabilities

Having a huge number of sites which may or may not be vulnerable is not much use unless you can pinpoint one which is actually open to attack. This is when a programme called a vulnerability scanner comes into its own and the most popular is called Acunetix.

Acunetix, developed by a UK-based company, was designed, and is still used, as a tool for web developers to test sites they are building. However the hacking community has commandeered the tool and uses it to identify existing vulnerable sites.

You can download a trial version of the software for free from the official Acunetix website or if you venture into the murky depths of a hacker forum and search for Acunetix, you can find cracked versions of the full application freely available.

Acunetix, as you can see from the screen shots above, is a simple, straight-forward Windows application and all you need to do is enter the URL of the site you want to target, and press Process. Acunetix will scan the entire website, including all pages associated with it, and return a list of vulnerabilities it finds. If you find the type you are looking for, you will need to move onto Step 3, as Acunetix does not perform any website penetration.

Step 3: Attack the website

Attacking a website is done by two main methods. The first is by carrying out a Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) attack which overwhelms a website's servers and forces it to shut down. We will deal with this type of attack later, but first we will look at how you can hack into an account and steal some information contained within databases on the site.

This type of attack is known as a SQL (pronounced sequel) Injection. A SQL Injection attack aims to capture information stored in a database on the particular website by introducing some SQL code. SQL is a programming language designed for managing data in a database.

But fear not, you won't need to understand a single line of SQL to carry out this attack. Thankfully another freely-available and easy-to-use application, originally developed in Iran, can be downloaded from the web saving you the trouble of dealing with any complex code.

The program is called Havij, the Farsi word for carrot, which is also a slang word for penis and so, unsurprisingly, this is the piece of software required to penetrate a website.

Again there are free and paid-for versions of Havij available with the paid-for version having more powerful capabilities. Again the world of hacker forums is your friend here and cracked versions of the full Havij application are available if you look for them.

The Havij interface is once again like any other Windows program and all a virgin hacker needs to do is simply copy-and-paste the address of their target website and press a button.

Havij allows you to perform a number of different types of operation including one called a Get, which unsurprisingly gets all the information stored on databases on that particular site which can be usernames, passwords, addresses, email addresses, phone numbers and bank details.

And that's it, within minutes you can search for, download and use a couple of automated tools which will allow you to access websites which are vulnerable to this type of attack. While most high profile companies' websites will be protected from this type of attack, the fact that Sony's website and the personal information of its customers was stolen in a manner similar to this, shows just how vulnerable the web is.

Step 4: If all else fails, DDoS

Hacktivist collective Anonymous changed their tactics in the last 12 months moving away from DDoS as their primary tool for attacking websites, preferring if possible to use SQL Injection instead. However, when this is not possible, they will revert to DDoS attacks, and you can to, with the help of another freely available tool.

And it turns out that DDoSing a website is no more difficult than carrying out a SQL Injection. The programme used is called Low-Orbit Ion Canon (LOIC) which was developed for web designers to stress test websites, but has been high-jacked by hackers in order to attack websites.

Available as a free download from Source Forge, LOIC employs a very user-friendly interface and all potential hackers need to is type in the URL of the site they want to crash and LOIC will do the rest. What the application will do is send up to 200 requests per second to the site in question.

While most bigger sites might be able to deal with this request without crashing, most websites out there will not, especially if you get together with some other hacking virgins and combine your efforts.

So easy is it to use this technology that you can even control it from your BlackBerry, meaning you can be enjoying a pint in the pub with your friends while carrying out a DDoS attack on a website of your choice.

If our tutorial has not provided you with enough information, there are dozens of other tutorials on various hacker forums around the web and even video tutorials on YouTube which you can watch.

Create a New Partition on a Windows 7 Hard Disk

Here’s an easy way to create a new partition on your disk.
  1. Open the Disk Management console by typing diskmgmt.msc at an elevated command prompt.

  2. In Disk Management’s Graphical view, right-click an unallocated or free area, and then click New Simple Volume. This starts the New Simple Volume Wizard.

  3. Read the Welcome page and then click Next. 
  4. The Specify Volume Size page specifies the minimum and maximum size for the volume in megabytes and lets you size the volume within these limits. Size the partition in megabytes using the Simple Volume Size field and then click Next.

  5. On the Assign Drive Letter Or Path page, specify whether you want to assign a drive letter or path and then click Next. The available options are as follows:


    Assign The Following Drive Letter Select an available drive letter in the selection list provided. By default, Windows 7 selects the lowest available drive letter and excludes reserved drive letters as well as those assigned to local disks or network drives.
    Mount In The Following Empty NTFS Folder Choose this option to mount the partition in an empty NTFS folder. You must then type the path to an existing folder or click Browse to search for or create a folder to use.
    Do Not Assign A Drive Letter Or Drive Path Choose this option if you want to create the partition without assigning a drive letter or path. Later, if you want the partition to be available for storage, you can assign a drive letter or path at that time. 
  6. Use the Format Partition page to determine whether and how the volume should be formatted. If you want to format the volume, choose Format This Volume With The Following Settings, and then configure the following options:


    File System Sets the file system type as FAT, FAT32, or NTFS. NTFS is selected by default in most cases. If you create a file system as FAT or FAT32, you can later convert it to NTFS by using the Convert utility. You can’t, however, convert NTFS partitions to FAT or FAT32.
    Allocation Unit Size Sets the cluster size for the file system. This is the basic unit in which disk space is allocated. The default allocation unit size is based on the size of the volume and, by default, is set dynamically prior to formatting. To override this feature, you can set the allocation unit size to a specific value. If you use many small files, you might want to use a smaller cluster size, such as 512 or 1,024 bytes. With these settings, small files use less disk space.
    Volume Label Sets a text label for the partition. This label is the partition’s volume name and by default is set to New Volume. You can change the volume label at any time by right-clicking the volume in Windows Explorer, choosing Properties, and typing a new value in the Label field provided on the General tab.
    Perform A Quick Format Tells Windows 7 to format without checking the partition for errors. With large partitions, this option can save you a few minutes. However, it’s usually better to check for errors, which enables Disk Management to mark bad sectors on the disk and lock them out.
    Enable File And Folder Compression Turns on compression for the disk. Built-in compression is available only for NTFS. Under NTFS, compression is transparent to users and compressed files can be accessed just like regular files. If you select this option, files and directories on this drive are compressed automatically. 
  7. Click Next, confirm your options, and then click Finish.

The Windows 7 Disk Management tool will now show the space configured as a new partition.


How to run Turbo C++ in Windows 7 in full Screen

  • Create a new folder in your C:  and rename it to ‘turbo’ [or anyone you feel like]. Reason for doing it will be mentioned as you read.

  • Now, run the installed setup file [TC3setup.exe] and give the extraction position as

  • Now, download the DosBox setup from here
  • Install DosBox in your system.
  • Now run DosBox. A command prompt type window will appear. Now note that there is a difference between the command prompt our system is equipped with and this version of command prompt. This emulator is 32-bit in contrary to native 16-bit prompt, therefore, allowing you to run it in full screen mode.
  • In this window, we now need to mount the folder via this command:   
This tells about the reason behind creating another directory while extracting TC3setup.exe. Mounting works relative to a folder, here Turbo.
  • Work is almost done. Now, type “C:” to mount above mounted drive.

  • To list the content of this mounted space, type ‘dir’

>cd tc
>cd bin

to reach within subdirectories for tc.exe
Now type tc and press Enter.
Press Alt + Enter to go in Full Screen Mode.

This task may look all so tedious. But, everything can be automated in a single go.
Once you have successfully managed to run it in full screen mode, you can easily automate the process by editing configuration file. You can drop comments below in case of any problem to get through.

To run TC automatically on running DosBox:
Search for “DosBox” in start menu.

  • Nowclick onDosBox 0.74 Options

A configuration file in Notepad will be opened.
Go till the end of the document and add following lines there:
mount c c:\turbo

cd tc/bin

Save this file and exit from notepad.
Run DosBox again. Voilla! It will take you straight to TuboC++.

MS Office 2013 Download Full With Crack ...

Heyy Friends!!
            Enjoy 2013...with MS Office 2013..
Download the Latest Version Of MS Office 2013 Full With Crack....
Enjoy My Friends....

Software Name:
Microsoft Office
Software Version:
2013 (365)
Supported Systems:
Windows 7 and 8 (x86_x64)
License Type:
Full Version
Office Software
700 MB
Activation Key/Crack/Patch:
Office 2013 Serial Key

                                             Download Office 2013
                                  Download Key

How to Hack Facebook account............

First we will talk about requirement.
The one and only requirement is a site. You must create a site to host(upload) the phishing files. You may create a FREE Site here: Its free and easy. We found this site after searching a lot on internet.
Download Phishing Files: Click Here

  • Download phishing files
  • Extract it using winrar.
  • You will find four files and one folder under that rar file.
  • Upload all files and folder to your created site[For example, if you site is, then create a folder with name "Facebook", then upload your files in "Facebook" folder].
  • Prepare phishing URL[Making phishing url, if you have uploaded all files to "facebook" folder, then your URL should look like this,].
  • Dont rename any file!
  • Everything is ready now.
  • Send a mail to victim(person that you want to hack) with phishing URL. Write any message you want, like click here to see your gift, etc.
  • Its recommended to hyperlink a text with that link, like write "Click here" and then hyperlink it to phishing URL. There are option of hyperlink in every mailing client/site. You may also short the URL using to make it more perfect. Send Mail!

Now, you have to wait for some time. When the victim will enter his/her ID and Password, it will get recorded in a text file that you have uploaded named "passes.txt". Check this file at regular interval and if you find password, then the account is HACKED.

In phishing, there is a 50-50 chance. If the victim know about phishing, he/she will not enter his/her password and phishing attack will fail. So, there is no guarantee. Do it on your own risk.

Video on how it works: